post your sexy pics here

Was eine gute Idee ist, da 95% der Besitzer solcher Hunde die größten Vollidioten sind, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Wtf are you trying to express with this post? Where do you get this "95%"-number from? Research? Sorry, but it sounds like "BILD-Zeitung" to me. Have you ever seriously talked with owners? Ever read some of the laws of the single provinces in Germany? This is really annoying. Are you one of those people who switch the side of the street, when they see a person with a dog of this kind?
It´s just ridiculous.
Wtf are you trying to express with this post? Where do you get this "95%"-number from? Research? Sorry, but it sounds like "BILD-Zeitung" to me. Have you ever seriously talked with owners? Ever read some of the laws of the single provinces in Germany? This is really annoying. Are you one of those people who switch the side of the street, when they see a person with a dog of this kind?
It´s just ridiculous.
While I do think there certainly are people who buy fighting dogs because they have something to compensate for, or because they want to feel tough, saying 95% of the owners are complete idiots is a pure trolling post.
A good indication of a genuine troll is someone that posts something, but never comes back for the follow up. I call that the "Hit and run Troll" They don't have the sack to face the music, or post it in English, apparently.
<3 Serenity comics.
Pool partay!

Wiener dog, wieners.


Yeth I am a homo.



Next up, skits. This side of my family has been performing stupid skits since before I was born. When I was small, I was the star of the "Dead Baby in the Park" skit.

"Grandpa's Colostomy Bag"

Well, Youtube is being dumb and taking forever to process the other two, so they will come later!
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Hahhaha! Max's facial expression is priceless! It's like we caught him in the act with his new comic.

Love the pool pics, Cara! That Weiner dog is the cutest. Hhahaha, I'll bet he was after those wieners.
Poolside Birth

Fire Chief! (matches commercial)
Farrr Chief!