post your sexy pics here

And here's a really gay one just for you Stormo:


I'll admit it. I laughed a little.
Great pics PsycRoxXptic. The scenery had to of been spectacular in person.

Heartless, What the hell are we going to do with you. I will reluctantly give you the nod! but you have to shave that damn mustache!
Hey thank you! :) I'm 5'3'' and you? but nah I didn't steal your body tell the truth you are thinner than me.. I have a ''diver'' body haha

I'm 5'8" but we seem to have the same hour glass/pear shape and body overall :)
When I saw that picture I was like: oh wow: she got my bod!!!
It's not often you see your own body on someone else, you know? :)

haha but your pics are really cute, hope the vacation was great! ;)
OH MY GOD!!! Shannon, I swear swear swear I meant to paste the same painting when I saw H's pics but got distracted!!!!!

Fucking A!!!! Great minds think alike, eh? ;) :kickass:

Hhaha! :kickass:

Well, Emily gave me the idea when she said it everything just fell into place of where I wanted to place him because it was on the tip of my tongue, but We were all thinking the same thing! lol, I think the three of us were separated at birth! We are Sistah's! :cool:

And this painting always reminded me of Gary Oldman, in Bram Stoker's Dracula. A little bit, needs longer hair though. hehhe.


Although this is mah fave!

Huba huba! LOL!
