post your sexy pics here

Alas I do not have a puke pic :(

The closest thing I've got is a "hungover like fuck hiding from the sun at Wacken" pic. But with a lack of any vomit, it's nowhere near as good.


I didn't actually make it into my tent that night, I just gave up and fell asleep outside.

it's good enough :oops:
Reminds me of the time I was on the bus in Toronto, and some homeless guy was sitting there drinking a gallon of milk and it was like 40 degrees out. Needless to say about 15 mins later the guy fucking SPEWS everywhere, I'm talking exorcist style projectile vomit. I turned to my girlfriend trying not to burst into laughter... the first thing I did was imagine him saying that Anchorman quote 'Milk was a bad choice'... :lol:

But then I was the only one with enough balls to get up and help him clean himself off with some newspapers... my act of kindness got curdled puke on my shoes and in my hair :D

Aw, fuck I can smell and taste it now :ill:
that reminds me,I was taking the bus home from school when this one girl puked into her rotten meatballs. Then the bus made a turn and it nearly fell on my bare knees.

gotta love that.
I had some kid almost puke on the back of my legs at Ozzfest '05. He barely missed but I got caught with some splatter.

ewww. Some kid shit his pants at Ozzfest 06 while were sardined waiting for Arch Enemy to play.

Then some kid, I'm assuming it was the same kid, because I've seen him at multiple shows, and he's done it before, shit himself at Dragonforce.

Lastly, some guy, not the same kid, shit himself during Rotten Sound's set at Carcass.
Yeah, I was there, too. Man, that place has seen quite a few bodily fluids, huh?

I was wearing a black baseball cap and my face got sunburned everywhere but my forehead. That was a shitty fucking day but probably the best Ozzfest to date.