post your sexy pics here

Yeah those glasses are adding a few years hah. Great pics nonetheless! Looks like you guys had a blast :)

Oh and just for good measure:


Some people may call you crazy, but I think it's a smart thing. If you aren't really using all the money coming in and you're in a position for it to just continue and grow to infinity (obviously it's some sort of successful family business partnership passed through generations or some such thing), why pay more taxes on money you'll never use? You could put it to good use, and since you'd be just giving it back to the government anyway (and they don't need it), why not donate it to charity? At least you get a tax write-off.

Am I correct in this assessment?

You're not far off. I could pour money into a savings account, but it makes little sense because I have enough saved, and the core value of the assets remain, regardless of whether I keep all of their income or not.