post your sexy pics here

and Scot:



And Emily! You looked like you had a blast!
Barlow looks like a 40 year old dude, which he is right?

maybe the oldman glasses make him look older but he looks fine to me.

People are so used to looking at surgery enhanced 50 year old hollywood stars trying to look 30 that they forget what real people look like these days.

Either way, I'm so out of the heavy metal loop I had no idea he sang in Iced Earth again, or maybe I knew and didn't care enough for it to register.

I still haven't heard any of their albums after Horror Show, or whatever.
I do indeed. It's mostly charity, occasionally to homeless shelters, food programs that sorta thing. I rarely give money to family or friends, and if I do it's only the ones that never ask for it! ;)

I was lucky to inherit a few things that make money, and between some publishing deals (not as grand as it sounds) and stocks, I have a larger income than I need. I'm a consumer slave as much as many folks, but I just don't need as much as comes in. No pariah, though.

Some people may call you crazy, but I think it's a smart thing. If you aren't really using all the money coming in and you're in a position for it to just continue and grow to infinity (obviously it's some sort of successful family business partnership passed through generations or some such thing), why pay more taxes on money you'll never use? You could put it to good use, and since you'd be just giving it back to the government anyway (and they don't need it), why not donate it to charity? At least you get a tax write-off.

Am I correct in this assessment?