post your sexy pics here

While I refuse to participate in this strawberry bash that's somehow broken out, I'd like to point out that there are a tremendous amount of interesting and stimulating activities you can do for little or no money at all. All it requires is that you open your eyes and follow the leprechaun.

Are you suggesting I do drugs? :lol: I did salvia once, it was the worst fuckign trip of my life, scariest shit you could imagine. When it wore off I had terror sweat :lol:

Now I'm confused. Thought he was talking about Derek, but now it seems he's talking about you. Where did I lose this conversation?

It's 4:50 am. Can...not...compute.

I was talking about how I wish I had more money so I could do more interesting things than waste my time on the forum as much as I do :p wasn't anything about Derek at all. Then Stormo barged in and started pissing on me :cry:
It's £'s. I give loads of it away because I don't need it. I have a perfectly fulfilling life and I spend maybe 20 minutes on the forum per day, total.

You bunch of asses.

You give your money away? Are we talking charities or family, or are we talking you skipping down the street, throwing money in the air to all who can catch it. If you're doing the latter, let me know where you'll be next payday. :p
Lots to reply to:

I could use some money!

I'm sure you could.

that isn't money! that's a squiggly "E"

Aye and it's worth twice as much as your S with two lines through it!

I still wuv you? :erk:

I wuv you too!

I wub you too! :cry:


Hey hey, send it this way!

I mean I, er, wub you?

Nein, Herr General.


I love your buns?

you impostors, I am the only one derek truly loves.

well maybe stefan too.

Yep. It's true. <3 Swedey.

Let's trade: your money for my account number? :p

Ok, but I presume you'd want me to put money in your account, not just stare at the number?

You give your money away? Are we talking charities or family, or are we talking you skipping down the street, throwing money in the air to all who can catch it. If you're doing the latter, let me know where you'll be next payday. :p

I do indeed. It's mostly charity, occasionally to homeless shelters, food programs that sorta thing. I rarely give money to family or friends, and if I do it's only the ones that never ask for it! ;)

I was lucky to inherit a few things that make money, and between some publishing deals (not as grand as it sounds) and stocks, I have a larger income than I need. I'm a consumer slave as much as many folks, but I just don't need as much as comes in. No pariah, though.

The man's got a swede fetish.

What can I say? :D

I was lucky to inherit a few things that make money, and between some publishing deals (not as grand as it sounds) and stocks, I have a larger income than I need. I'm a consumer slave as much as many folks, but I just don't need as much as comes in. No pariah, though.

If you were honestly to pay for a plane ticket to Europe, I would probably work for you as a live-in (or not) attendant for up to 4 months, maybe 6. You probably aren't enticed in the least by this offer but if you did ever need a 'slave' then I'd be your man.

:lol: Yes I am a shameless whore. But I am also a hard working and cool guy, just cheap as fuck. This trip would delay my advancement into college/university by a year, but I'm in no hurry.
Here's a dose of swede:

This may make little sense to some of you but I'm looking more Scottish by the year.

Plus, that picture doesn't capture my innate gravitas and vim, ladies. ;)
