post your sexy pics here


Good hygiene is an absolute necessity in my doings with the opposite sex. I will have it no other way.
As it should be. Shave at least every other day unless you're growing a beard, bathe, and USE FUCKING DEODORANT. This is how males should be.
Meet Rufus!!!





hehehehee, we groomed him today at work. I LOVE HIM!!

190 pounds, and yes he's sitting on my lap <33333

As it should be. Shave at least every other day unless you're growing a beard, bathe, and USE FUCKING DEODORANT. This is how males should be.

Whatwhatwhat? I shave like every other week. That way I have that rugged man face!
Bathing is overrated. Its like brushing your teeth, and deodorant? What are you, a sissy!?
Males should be big hairy man-beasts with poor hygiene and a funky breath.


Fat Kevin smells good! The glow of his greatness washes him enough! :D

No your getting confused, its the folds of his mighty meaty flesh rubbing against one another cooking the fat inside the flaps. Its not really bacon you smell coming off of him.... he's like a fly trap... for women!