post your sexy pics here


Hey guys... everyone cater your posting habits to Stormo's desires from now on k? He might not post that often but goddamn it we'd better stop upsetting him or who knows what could happen!!!!
That seems a bit post-whoreish tbh.
Whereas posting four times in a row is nothing of the sort.

What do you mean "you people"?
The people who continue to quad-post even though it's ugly, annoying, and serves absolutely no purpose, especially when multi-quoting is ten times easier. I like them as people, but their constant quad-posting is getting on my tits.

Hey guys... everyone cater your posting habits to Stormo's desires from now on k?
My desires? Asking people not to quadruple-post the entire time is the same as demanding that people's posting habits correspond with my desires?

He'll greatly reduce the waffle exports to the US!!! There will be a terrible waffle shortage!
For one.

Seriously though, is it that fucking hard to multi-quote a post? It's pretty god damn annoying having to scroll down four posts just because some people are too damn lazy not to quad-post. Multi-quote's faster for the actual poster too, so it can't even be attested to a desire for laziness - so what is it? Post-whoring? I don't know.
It seriously bothers you?
Yeah, it kinda does, even though stuff on the internet shouldn't bother people. I'll bet it bothers plenty of folks though, but for some reason people don't dare say anything, "because it's Karen" (because plenty of people cheered me on when it was Dead Winter, curiously) - personally I don't see how saying that a certain habit annoys me, also means that that person annoys me, something Karen knows she doesn't. She just has to stop quadruple and quintuple posting :)

I was ironic lawlz
o i c