post your sexy pics here

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slight change of style, just for that day though.
(Greece is "nice", does anyone want to buy a house at the sea maybe? very acceptable price...:cool: )


I love that outfit! :worship: This pic deserved the bump!

man do I miss rep!

We have the ability to not only give positive, but negative rep over at the art forum I go to! :heh: I love it! I have often wondered what would happen if it were here as well.

We would probably make negative good, and positive bad. A couple of gals and myself have been giving each other negative rep for fun. lol!

Stormie, I usually don't multi quote because I used to be a wordy sort once upon a time, and I don't much like the look of a post so big that it looks like a wall. :( Brings back bad memories of my text walls.