post your sexy pics here

James says hi from the banned land

Hey, penis scarf, is their no end to your butting into everything?
Public forum = people reading your posts and reacting to them.

What are you good at? Holding online grudges it seems, so I wouldn't
bug you for proclaiming it!
Actually, no. The nature of your actual posts is often an affront. Don't attribute my reactions to a grudge, since I always read posts before looking who made them. What annoyed me in your last post, if you must know, is that Laura proudly imparted to the community that she'd started writing again, to which you immediately reacted by stating what an "excellent writer" you are (while never actually posting any material), purely to shift the topic back to your favourite subject - yourself. That is what bothered me. Don't flatter yourself thinking I'm ferreting out your posts just so I can be nasty to you, since I'm mean to just about anyone.

Also, since you asked, check the Art thread to know what I'm good at. Post some of your works in that thread and I might just start taking your blowhard "excellent writer"-claim one percent seriously.

And I grumble about people's triple-posting habits just because I'm curmudgeonly.
You look better without the glasses. Which is a strange thing for me to be saying. Could be just that particular pair I don't care for. Do you have a photoset of yourself modeling different pairs we can see?

/shameless fetishism