post your sexy pics here

Well, I don't mean to take that tone but I am right, no matter what way you look at it. Sure I might have a matter-of-factly manner when I address a topic but that doesn't mean that it invalidates my statement just because it bugs you.
You statement doesn't bug me. Sharing is good, and it's good of you to share your opinion, even if it's totally wrong.
El Stormo said:
Nice work on the shirt too, by the way. Don't you get a lot of people on concerts coming to ask you where you bought this or that shirt?

I get compliments, but most of the regulars at shows 'round here know that I make them myself. And some other girls have started doing the same thing, but my shirts are always more awesome.

Dead_Lioness said:
Just one question: why not tie them at the bottom? I would assume they would bother my arm- especially during concerts
but I may be wrong.

They're ribbons, so nah they're pretty soft. And at the bottom I would think that they're more likely to get caught on something.

Undefined said:
Call a girl fat, she might not care right away but eventually it will get to her. All girls care about looking good, and all it takes is one asshole to make her feel like shit every time she eats a treat or a shirt doesn't fit right.

I was just about to go make myself throw up because my fragile self esteem has been shattered by a troll on the internet. :(
I get compliments, but most of the regulars at shows 'round here know that I make them myself. And some other girls have started doing the same thing, but my shirts are always more awesome.
Definitely. I wish more girls did the same around here. Because metal shirts without modifications are decidedly unsexy. And girlies stop being new after seeing the five-hundredth.

They're ribbons, so nah they're pretty soft. And at the bottom I would think that they're more likely to get caught on something.
Still, doesn't it irritate the inside of your arms if you move around a lot?

I was just about to go make myself throw up because my fragile self esteem has been shattered by a troll on the internet. :(
There, there.


There, there.

Am I wrong? So your opinion is that I'm wrong and I think that you are wrong for thinking I am wrong, right?
That is correct.

Like I said, most women, including Isabel, are confident and intelligent enough not to be bothered by such a comment (and my point has just been proven). The polemic around it is likely to be far more bothersome.
I was just about to go make myself throw up because my fragile self esteem has been shattered by a troll on the internet. :(

Like I said, most women, including Isabel, are confident and intelligent enough not to be bothered by such a comment (and my point has just been proven). The polemic around it is likely to be far more bothersome.

Your point was not proven. I know the sky is blue. If you find a guy who tells me the sky is green, then that doesn't prove your point. I mean, I didn't say ALL women were as I described, but a lot are. A small comment can really weigh heavy on the mind, denying it to prove me wrong is pointless.
Ok, well sorry to say but girls who post on internet forums aren't the typical girls. Not saying this negatively I'm just saying 2 girls on an internet forum telling me that there's NO WAY THAT A SMALL COMMENT LIKE "You're looking a bit chubby" WILL UPSET HER TO SOME DEGREE ESPECIALLY IF SHE ALREADY FELT FAT is not going to change my opinion that's based on years of real life experience and friendships with women.... so yeah.

If someone close to you like a friend made a comment about your teeth or glasses I bet my right nut you'd be a bit bothered.
How can anyone say this statement is not true:

a small insensitive comment can weigh heavy on her mind, depending on A) who it comes from and B) if she already had those thoughts and now this comment confirms it.

Sure the same applies to men in some cases but women typically are more emotional.
You know Joe... for someone who claims to not care, you spend a lot of time trying to explain yourself and make everyone believe the same things as you.
I think it's mainly because a lot of people seem to be overly sensitive and unable to let internet words not affect them. I read a couple forums and this one is definitely the "nicest". The other ones, people talk tons of shit and make jokes about each other that completely trump anything I've ever seen here. For the most part people let it slide off their back and nothing comes of it.. but every now and then on the other boards, people will get butthurt and that's their final mistake. From that point they pretty much turn into punching bags for the rest of the entire board.

Matter of fact... I think you'd get on pretty well on some of these other boards I visit. I definitely don't post as much on them as I do here, but goddamn they never ever fail to bring forth LOLs. Karen would know what board I'm talking about. She didn't even survive there haha.
not to continue the discussion but when you ask one of the girls here to tell you otherwise, which they do, then you suddenly change and say it doesnt count?

you sound alarmingly religious to me

Did I say one of the girls HERE. Stop making assumptions. Leave the house, meet a real girl and ask her how she'd react if you said her stomach stuck out more than her tits. Till then hush.