post your sexy pics here


It took a while, but I sewed laces up the sides of my shirt. :kickass:
*swallows audibly*

Nice work on the shirt too, by the way. Don't you get a lot of people on concerts coming to ask you where you bought this or that shirt?
Holy shit, Isabel, your stomach almost dwarfs your tits. You need to start working out.

Hey, he's a dipshit but give the guy credit. If you got to be an asshole and a troll, he definitely went the right way about it. Total low blow.

Even I wouldn't say some mean shit like that.

I was expecting Undefined to be the troll for the rest of the night, but I forgot you lurk about too.
Even I wouldn't say some mean shit like that.
EricT would. But I don't understand your indignation. I mean, sure, it was an inflammatory post, but it was nowhere near the crap that sometimes flies across this board. Plus, Isabel is old (and I believe, confident) enough to be able to take such a jab. Is your selective indignation because it's a girl?
EricT would. But I don't understand your indignation. I mean, sure, it was an inflammatory post, but it was nowhere near the crap that sometimes flies across this board. Plus, Isabel is old (and I believe, confident) enough to be able to take such a jab. Is your selective indignation because it's a girl?

Yes, actually. Call me fat, I don't care. Call a girl fat, she might not care right away but eventually it will get to her. All girls care about looking good, and all it takes is one asshole to make her feel like shit every time she eats a treat or a shirt doesn't fit right. Head games man, it really effects a girl's confidence. It's not that what he said will bother her, until she notices it HERSELF then all that shit will come back to re-enforce her otherwise harmless thoughts. IE: "Oh I feel so fat in this shirt" then she remembers someone saying something and the perception of feeling or looking fat becomes real. "I feel fat/look fat in this" becomes "I AM FAT".
Yes, Women are so weak and prone to emotional hysteria when tiny things go wrong. Good thing we are men, with our unflappable composure and impervious egos.

:lol: Obviously you don't know the mind of a woman. I didn't say what you did, I merely said a small insensitive comment can weigh heavy on her mind, depending on A) who it comes from and B) if she already had those thoughts and now this comment confirms it. And I want 1 girl here to tell me otherwise.
All girls care about looking good, and all it takes is one asshole to make her feel like shit every time she eats a treat or a shirt doesn't fit right.
I think you're taking this a bit too seriously. Sure, girls like to look good, but so do men. And "you need to start exercising" isn't really a post that will cut a girl's confidence in two. If it is, then that girl has a problem. Fact is, by springing to her defense so eagerly, you're only drawing more attention to that post. Your white-knighting is kinda counterproductive in this instance. Also, if you can laugh at guys flaming each other, I don't see why you should be indignant now.

And I'm sure Isabel is confident enough not to be bothered by such a comment, so why are you?

Yes, Women are so weak and prone to emotional hysteria when tiny things go wrong. Good thing we are men, with our unflappable composure and impervious egos.
Amen, brother! Testify! Speak the word!

Obviously you don't know the mind of a woman. I didn't say what you did, I merely said a small insensitive comment can weigh heavy on her mind, depending on A) who it comes from and B) if she already had those thoughts and now this comment confirms it. And I want 1 girl here to tell me otherwise.
There you go again! For telling other people they don't know the mind of a woman, this post shows that you're anything but the expert yourself. What do you think will bother a girl more? That someone makes a rude comment, or that someone leaps to her defence and starts a whole polemic about that comment?

Anyway, it's the Internet. These things happen when people post pictures. *shrugs*
I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.
Actually I don't care, all I said was it was a bit mean to say. I just stated my knowledge about how girls take stupid comments like that to heart sometimes. Especially when everyone freaks out. Like if it was totally untrue all of you would have ignored it and called him a dumbass but by reacting all offended then that shows that you also think the same and it was rude of him to say it or something along those lines, that's a possible conclusion a girl might draw.

Sure, girls like to look good, but so do men. And "you need to start exercising" isn't really a post that will cut a girl's confidence in two.
No it isn't, but saying her stomach dwarves her tits is :lol:
Fact is, by springing to her defense so eagerly, you're only drawing more attention to that post. Your white-knighting is kinda counterproductive in this instance. Also, if you can laugh at guys flaming each other, I don't see why you should be indignant now.
:lol: I wasn't white-knighting... but you're right.

And I'm sure Isabel is confident enough not to be bothered by such a comment, so why are you?
I didn't say she was I was talking in general.

There you go gain! For telling other people they don't know the mind of a woman, this post shows that you're anything but the expert yourself. What do you think will bother a girl more? That someone makes a rude comment, or that someone leaps to her defence and starts a whole polemic about that comment?

Well, I don't mean to take that tone but I am right, no matter what way you look at it. Sure I might have a matter-of-factly manner when I address a topic but that doesn't mean that it invalidates my statement just because it bugs you.