post your sexy pics here

lindsay and i at the work xmas party. we got the cowboy hats of two of the guys we work with. i'm trying and failing at the myspace kissy face.

and, yes. i know. TITS.

Her tits are radtastic.
jesus, i didn't realize my arm was that flabby :ill:

I don't think your arm is as flabby as you're making it out to be, I think it's a combination of the camera angle, and sometimes arms look that way when they're pressed that way against the body. I think you look rather sexy.

And hey hey you're making some sort of face and looking all playful :)
I played a murder victim in a film of Scott's today. I'm not an actor, but I thought it would be fun, fake blood, getting tackled to the ground, knives, yay! Some pictures were taken after I was "dead" and the actor Chris (my murderer) and I, who I know fairly well, were laughing pretty hard about blood repeatedly having dripped from the knife into my mouth, so pardon my laughing while I was supposed to be dead



oh noes I'm laughing lol:
@Jen: I hope he was careful! :lol: In a school (drama class), they were re-enacting a scene from Scream, and the guy was chasing after her with a plastic knife and accidentally fucking stabbed her full force in the face with a plastic knife. Fuck it was funny. She was one of those blonde skanks who thought she ran the school because she was on student council. Jesus I LOL'd so hard, I actually got in trouble. I mean I felt bad but come on, it's not everyday you see a girl you don't really like get stabbed in the face and start screaming bloody murder and the guy is just standing there faking empathy. My point is I wouldn't want to see that happen to you!

They banned the use of prop weapons in our school after that too.
That's hysterical. I would have been cracking up, but she could have gotten really hurt even though it was just plastic. Yeah he was careful. Scott and I were looking over the footage and it actually looks really disgusting and eerily realistic. It's nice, after I'm all dead there are leaves blowing over me it's pretty cool. But I was like "Oh shit knife!" haha. He was careful though.