post your sexy pics here

Fine, here are some pictures.


Thats a very metal room (And awsome fight club poster)

Good choices of beers all
Hahaha, poor dude. Isabel, your biceps are bigger than his, L:(L.

I'd post a picture of my massive biceps, but your head would probably explode due to the massively jacked fibers, which make them appear as if they are cut like diamonds.
There's really no need to be condescending. My parents would have no problem with people coming over and drinking.


Upper Haight is fine during the day, but apart from the Gold Cane, the nightlife pretty much sux.

Peeps should definitely check it out (Amoeba, Shaxul, and the place formerly known as Annubis Corpus are a must for the uninitiated), but I'm not standing down when I say that night time debauchery should take place in the Mission!