post your sexy pics here

getting crunk at our CD release party with a buddy.


and traveling alone in a train through Slovenia

I'm not the biggest fan of the stuff but I have an epic Hoegaarden proper glass picture at home. Wish it were here so I could post it now instead of talking about posting it. I just wanna get in while it's still relevant!
I'm not the biggest fan of the stuff but I have an epic Hoegaarden proper glass picture at home. Wish it were here so I could post it now instead of talking about posting it. I just wanna get in while it's still relevant!

OK so I forgot it's black and white and I totally hate it and had I remembered I never would have said anything to begin with. Damnit!

Ok, so now I feel confident enough to say Hoe-Garr-den is the beer of choice of this forum. So I feel now its worth doing more research on if my metal friends enjoy this drink so much :)

¤Puts on lab coat and goggles¤

¤Opens lab cabinet and takes out beakers, burners and a viking a hallowed viking horn cup¤
-Delirium Tremens
-Kwak beer
-Hertog Jan Grand Prestige
-La Chouffe (had some awesome times with this one )
-Leffe Triple
-Paulaner(because its cheap for a lot and it tastes fkng awesome )
-Hertog Jan(actually put this in here random because its not special beer its hertog jan :p)
-mug beer (local)
-Delirium Tremens
-Kwak beer
-Hertog Jan Grand Prestige
-La Chouffe (had some awesome times with this one )
-Leffe Triple
-Paulaner(because its cheap for a lot and it tastes fkng awesome )
-Hertog Jan(actually put this in here random because its not special beer its hertog jan :p)
-mug beer (local)

Kwak for the fucking win. All of you take notes.

Don't forget the glass holder you're obliged to drink it out of as well.