post your sexy pics here


I believe that belongs to Cara.
theres one thing that confuses me about this picture, and i mean no offense when i say it grabs my interest more than carackets ass crack....

if you notice, on the left, we have a case of doctor pepper, on the right, we have sevearl sunkist orange soda yes, i know its entirely possible to have two types of beverage in the same place, but what kind of fucking combination is dr. pepper and sunkist?
caracket, please solve this case for me.
captain awesome
umm...derick and i like both!? that pic is old though, NOW we drink diet dr. pepper and diet sunkist :D
sunkist is a great alternative to orange juice in the mornings *nods*...or early afternoon, whenever one wakes up.
Kiss The Void said:
theres one thing that confuses me about this picture, and i mean no offense when i say it grabs my interest more than carackets ass crack....

if you notice, on the left, we have a case of doctor pepper, on the right, we have sevearl sunkist orange soda yes, i know its entirely possible to have two types of beverage in the same place, but what kind of fucking combination is dr. pepper and sunkist?
caracket, please solve this case for me.
captain awesome
dr pepper and orange soda are two of the very best things to mix with captain morgan. thats the connection.
ct_thrash said:
umm...derick and i like both!? that pic is old though, NOW we drink diet dr. pepper and diet sunkist :D
sunkist is a great alternative to orange juice in the mornings *nods*...or early afternoon, whenever one wakes up.

That's standard American logic. "It has an orange flavor, I'll drink it instead of something that's good for me." I'm not trying to pick at you, I just found this hilarious.
*nods again*
orange juice doesn't quite give the same satisfaction that something carbonated does.:tickled:
but i take my vitamins and eat heaps of fruits and veggies so its all good.
ct_thrash said:
umm...derick and i like both!? that pic is old though, NOW we drink diet dr. pepper and diet sunkist :D
sunkist is a great alternative to orange juice in the mornings *nods*...or early afternoon, whenever one wakes up.
i sense a coverup here.
my family once had a case of diet sunkist, two were opened, and half of each was quaffed....and the rest of the case was used for BB gun target practice
some pictars from today:
i'm not sure how sexy this is as it is tranny-like

one of our kitties, elliott. he was too fast

dagger, our crooked head kitty. she had a stroke

gummy bear aww

sweetie, she's pregnant


ms. peacock

maryland countryside *yawn*
A bit late to say this, but Aspartame is revolting to me... when I taste it, I get angry.

So basically, unless I'm desperate, I can't handle diet soda.