post your sexy pics here

I just found this pretty old photo of me eating some sexy, sexy food in Barcelona.


Paeja FTW!!!!!!!
I just found a local Spanish place that serves an outstanding paella. The garnish is a half of a lobster to stuff into your gob along with the rest of the seafood and the godly saffron rice. Took me two days to eat it all. Damn, I just came typing about it. I want some paeja. There's this fantastic Spanish restaurant here that makes awesome have to order it a day in advance so they can have time to prepare it. Their sangria is great too.

Curse you, lad!!!
I'm pretty sure it's spelled differently in different dialects. I always thought it was paeja because the Js are silent in Spanish and it's pronounced "PAH EH UH". I've seen it spelled "paeja" somewhere but I can't remember.

However it's spelled doesn't take away from its awesomeness.
Which "PAH EH UH" spoken has an automatic H in it. Not disputing that you're right. But I'm not saying that paeja doesn't exist because I KNOW I've seen it must've been dialect.