post your sexy pics here

A couple pictures of me with an 18-string guitar I acquired recently. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound or function in a way that's half as good as it looks, so it's going back.



I decided to practice some Photoshop skillz on this one.

This was before it got bad, I remember taking this early into my flu.

The sore then doubled in size and became very raw, bled a lot. Almost healed now but not completely. I'm off the vicodin, at least! And I can eat most things again :kickass:

I had the same kind of sore on my other tonsil a month ago, although it healed right up and didn't cause the trouble that this one did. I guess I should be thankful that they both didn't happen at the same time!
This is where you can find me after every jiu-jitsu practice. Enjoying a delicious 21 and over beverage.

Wow, that really does look like hell.

I hope there are follow up pictures with that thing hacked to pieces and you gorging on sweet fresh blood.