post your sexy pics here

You have a little foam on your cheek there.

Italy has a similar number of automobile fatalities per 100,000 population as the US. Slightly lower, but then they own fewer cars per 1000 population to balance things out. Italy has far fewer firearm deaths per 100,000, but what works in a country of 60 million doesn't necessarily work in a country with 5 times the population and 30 times the area.

Reason as you wish but we all still hate you and your President George BUSH.
You have a little foam on your cheek there.

Italy has a similar number of automobile fatalities per 100,000 population as the US. Slightly lower, but then they own fewer cars per 1000 population to balance things out. Italy has far fewer firearm deaths per 100,000, but what works in a country of 60 million doesn't necessarily work in a country with 5 times the population and 30 times the area.

Thats only because american tourists who don't know how to drive are causing italians to crash and die.
You have a little foam on your cheek there.

Italy has a similar number of automobile fatalities per 100,000 population as the US. Slightly lower, but then they own fewer cars per 1000 population to balance things out. Italy has far fewer firearm deaths per 100,000, but what works in a country of 60 million doesn't necessarily work in a country with 5 times the population and 30 times the area.

Karen - you realize you can just post a sexy pic and all the boys will forget what we were talking about, right?

The fact that Italy has fewer car accident-related deaths than the US, regardless of size or population, speaks volumes. Italy is a country whose infrastructure pales in comparison to that of the US. With the sheer size of the roads, ease of navigation, and margin of error given to drivers in the US compared to that of Italy, the US should STILL be out in front and much safer...yet it isn't. They need tighter restrictions for drivers, in my opinion.

Italy has one-fifth the population of the US and is one-thirtieth of its size, just as you said. Think about that for a second.
The fact that Italy has fewer car accident-related deaths than the US, regardless of size or population, speaks volumes. Italy is a country whose infrastructure pales in comparison to that of the US. With the sheer size of the roads, ease of navigation, and margin of error given to drivers in the US compared to that of Italy, the US should STILL be out in front and much safer...yet it isn't. They need tighter restrictions for drivers, in my opinion.

I agree that human beings are objectively terrible at operating motor vehicles at high speed and will almost always make the wrong decision in the split second when something goes wrong. I;m not sure how to mitigate that with licensing effectively though. I'd like to see highway speeds in CA reduced to 45, which is as fast as you actually ever get to drive in traffic anyhow, and with less accidents hopefully. Maybe eventually they'll get us cars that drive themselves and communicate with all the other cars around them, so that when something goes wrong the network of vehicles all automatically do the right thing to compensate.
I think it could be done by raising the age limit to 18 and limiting the vehicles that young drivers are allowed to drive. It wouldn't be a miraculous ending to all automobile accidents, but I believe it would save many lives and the roads would be safer. Also passing the test should be much harder but this is all just my opinion.
I agree that human beings are objectively terrible at operating motor vehicles at high speed and will almost always make the wrong decision in the split second when something goes wrong. I;m not sure how to mitigate that with licensing effectively though. I'd like to see highway speeds in CA reduced to 45, which is as fast as you actually ever get to drive in traffic anyhow, and with less accidents hopefully. Maybe eventually they'll get us cars that drive themselves and communicate with all the other cars around them, so that when something goes wrong the network of vehicles all automatically do the right thing to compensate.

A matter of time.
Guns are fun. I like shooting all types of them. I don't need to own one, but if my friends say "Hey Kevin, wanna go shooting?" I say "hell yeah!"

I'm just a dumb 'merican that likes to blow stuff up lol
I feel bad now, because I intentionally trolled with my anti-gun statement (which I actually do support) and created this whole shitstorm :lol: Controlling the flow of conversation is easy, just bring up an issue that is controversial :lol:

For the record, I go to the shooting range with a friend of mine every once in a great while. Guns are fun as hobby, but no one NEEDS a gun. Looks at the statistics regarding gun control in the UK. Greatly reduced gun related crime and murder because of it. But of course this must just be a coincidence...
Sorry to interupt the gun chat with more me, but I'm really not ;)

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