post your sexy pics here

Never saw any use for handguns. Have no problem with rifles and shotguns, however.

The only use for a handgun is to kill someone or shoot at the range...that's it. There's no defense for it because if you're really worried about someone coming in your house at night and hurting you or your family, a 12 gauge has a whole lot more stopping power than a handgun. Even if you miss, the spray is gonna get them somewhere. Or you could just use buckshot and blow a hole right through their sternum...or take their head off.

Playing the Second Amendment card for a handgun just doesn't cut it anymore.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha :lol:
no wait..... hahahahahahahahhaha :lol:

Shotguns do not spray!
Pistols are perfect for self/home defense. Small, can use one handed, can attach a light, rounds dont penetrate as much as a rifle or buckshot.
Thousands upon thousands of people carry pistols legally, EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
Every gun has to be aimed.
I fired a shot of 00 buckshot (9 .33cal pellets) at a target at 15 yards (out of a Mossberg 500 18" barrel with no choke) and it opened up no more than 6 inches wide.

love it when people spew random bullshit about guns.

Try maneuvering around your house with a shotgun and you'll see how hard it is to hold a 40" long gun compared to a 9" handgun
Uh, shotguns DO spray should know this. It just depends on what kind of shot you're using. If you're using bird shot (which probably won't do too much damage), then it's like shooting fucking sand. If you use buckshot, it's gonna be much more concentrated, and if you use a slug, that'll pretty much put a hole through them.

Yeah sure thousands upon thousands of people carry pistols legally...THAT'S THE POINT WE'RE MAKING. Maybe if there weren't so many retards with pistols, you wouldn't have to feel like you must carry a gun to walk down the street. And OF COURSE they don't penetrate as much as a rifle or a shotgun, WHICH IS PRECISELY THE POINT I'M MAKING. If I'm gonna shoot someone breaking into my house, that motherfucker isn't gonna get up. There isn't gonna be any crying or trying to get away...he's gonna either have a hole in his chest or half his head blown off. You see, Americans don't want handguns to protect themselves with...they want handguns for an excuse to shoot people because they serve no other purpose.

I love it when people spew random bullshit about guns...sound familiar? I was brought up around guns, too...handguns as well. The only difference between you and I is that I've actually used them against something besides a target at a range or posing in pictures with them and playing Army.

And for the record, if I can maneuver in full chem gear in MOPP 4, sucking air through a fucking gas mask while wielding an AR-15, I think I can maneuver around my kitchen table in my boxers with a shotgun, thanks.
no one uses birdshot for home defense.
and over penetration is huge. less of a chance for going through multiple walls and hitting innocents...
Americans dont want handguns to protect themselves? I for one would feel safer knowing that everyone in a restaurant or where ever was carrying concealed.

not everyone has had full training with gear and an AR15
:lol: Of course no one uses bird shot for home defense...that would only piss the intruder off more, haha! It's like hitting him with a fly swatter.

In my case, my house has concrete walls...very little chance of over-penetration (it always sounded so sexual to me). And yes, military training helps, but in my opinion someone who knows his way around weaponry such as yourself would never have these problems. You see, the problem with handguns is that the rest of the nation's gun owners aren't responsible like you, and those are the people who don't need them. Would it suck to punish the responsible, law-abiding gun owners due to the recklessness of the rest by banning handguns? Yes it would, and I don't like it one bit, either. But is it necessary? Absolutely. You are in the minority, Krig...and the majority rules in this case. I'd be all for giving just you the right to own a handgun...but for the rest of America? Fuck no.

Unfortunately, laws aren't made for everyone but people they don't expect to have problems with. The speed limit on interstate isn't 70 mph for everyone except those who always follow the speed limits. Seat belt laws aren't made for everyone except good drivers. Laws against rape and murder aren't made for everyone except for those whom they don't expect to break them. Laws govern every single American, whether it applies to their personal preference or not. The "don't punish the law-abiding gun-owners" argument just doesn't fly with me because we might as well say, "Well I never break the speed limit or get into an accident, so I shouldn't have to drive the speed limit or wear a seat belt". Just my take on things.
There really are many people who are safe and responsible handgun owners. America is a country of around 300,000,000 people and the ones you talk to on those forums are probably very intelligent and law-abiding citizens. But those aren't the people shooting up schools, robbing liquor stores/banks/convenience stores. Look, I used to shoot handguns in the fields behind my house with my friends and family, along with other rifles and shotguns. It's a lot of fun and and an enjoyable pastime. But regardless of my feelings on shooting, I recognize that the US has a big problem with crime and the number of gun-toting criminals far outweighs the number of responsible gun-owners. At the base of the problem is society, but that's a completely different argument.

Contrary to popular belief, handguns are legal in some European countries, like this one. I mean, come on...Italy is known for three things: pizza, pasta, and mafia. They practically invented modern organized crime. However, the restrictions on handgun ownership are very, VERY strict and using them is a big ordeal. Again, crime is a societal problem, and taking away guns isn't going to solve it but it will definitely put one hell of a dent in it. The US's attitude towards guns is very lax, and that's the real problem. If you put the same handgun restrictions we have here on Americans, you'll see a BIG change in attitude. Many of these so-called "responsible" gun enthusiasts will be shown for who they really are: violent people hiding behind the Second Amendment. People like you would continue to enjoy the hobby because you're a true enthusiast. Other people would show their true colors.
That, my friend, is sheer win.
Also Cara, Melvins and Frog Brigade shirts! :kickass:
The world could really use fewer people spouting off "The only use for handguns is killing people and shooting at the range!" as if that were inherently a problem and a valid reason for a ban. Our crime problem needs far more than gun control to solve (right, college campuses, DC, and Chicago?), and blaming something other than fucked up people misses the point entirely. It's not even like an argument on gun control will bring about points that everyone isn't already familiar with, and the 'new' ones here (like Americans not wanting handguns for protection) aren't worth trying ever again... why did yet another gun control debate seem at all necessary?

hahah epic... all dead celebrities. L-R: Jon Bene't Ramsey, Jesus, Sharon Tate, Michael Jackson, Susan Atkins, Jackie Onassis Kennedy, Dimebag Darrell, Jim Morrison, DEATH


This party was amazing and offensive. We also had a guy dressed as Superman in a wheelchair and a white guy painted black and dressed fat like Biggie Smalls. If anymore good pro photos come in, I'll post them. Best party ever!
There really are many people who are safe and responsible handgun owners.
America is a country of around 300,000,000 people and the ones you talk to on those forums are probably very intelligent and law-abiding citizens. But those aren't the people shooting up schools, robbing liquor stores/banks/convenience stores.
I recognize that the US has a big problem with crime
and the number of gun-toting criminals far outweighs the number of responsible gun-owners.
crime is a societal problem, and taking away guns isn't going to solve it
of course not!
but it will definitely put one hell of a dent in it.
yes, by taking them away from the...responsible...citizens....?

Would it suck to punish the responsible, law-abiding gun owners due to the recklessness of the rest by banning handguns? Yes it would, and I don't like it one bit, either. But is it necessary? Absolutely.
yes absolutely, because all the criminals will turn in their illegal and unregistered guns when the responsible, law abiding citizens turn in their legal, registered guns (ya know, the kind that arent used in crimes)! then we will all be free of violence and crime and dance in the streets holding hands singing kumbya!

i mean, are you fucking serious with this?

or have we just been punk'd
what, he's an american.

wouldn't the main thing a ban result in would be a larger punishment for carrying a weapon illegally? so if someone WERE to commit a crime the jailtime or whatever would be much bigger?
It's all about gun circulation. The US will never get rid of their gun related crime problems in any foreseeable future. The second amendment fucked this up from the get go. Banning handguns, or any gun for that matter, won't make them disappear. What does the state have to offer to make people turn them in? Guns are simple things, if cared for they can outlast a man's live easily. It would take many decades to see a ban on guns making a significant difference.. you gotta start somewhere though.

And yes, a gun is only a tool, it's the guy or gal using it who eventually causes a problem. BUT: There is only one country in Europe that has quite lax gun laws and that's Switzerland. Now they don't have a lot of the social problems the US has. You don't see a ticked out cracknigger robbing a liquor store there every day, but that doesn't mean they have a gun related problem. It just exists on totally different levels: They have the highest percentage of gun related suicides in Europe and they have the highest per capita rate of gun related crimes happening at home. So it's not your cracknigger robbing a store but rather your out-of-his-mind drunk former soldier who blasts the head of his wife with the gun he has to store at home.

Yes, the guy behind the gun is the root of the problem but the guns are a part of the problem too. They enable people to do things they couldn't do otherwise or make them at least easier. An atom bomb doesn't drop itself but you wouldn't allow every citizen to have an atom bomb. The freedom of few doesn't justify the potential dangers to a society as a whole.

There's no second amendment here and gun laws are strict, therefore we have way less gun related crimes per capita and with that way less felonies all together with a comparable social structure.
But... but... but... he's in Europe, so he *has* to have profound, relevant insight into any situation at all... right?


Pretty much. Or I could just sign my name to every single post.

As I mentioned earlier, I grew up around every type of firearm imagineable that was available for consumer use. I'm not some fucking tree-hugging hippie. I personally feel that banning or having extremely strict restrictions on handguns would save many lives. As Karmic said, that means that the penalty for having a handgun would be very steep, thereby curving much of the problem itself.

It's just my opinion. I like shooting just as much as everyone else. However, I've never killed a deer with a pistol, nor have I ever killed any doves, ducks, turkey or quail with a pistol. I have other guns to protect my house with. I don't need a pistol. A pistol is only good at a range or for killing people, that's it. Show me one other use and I'll reconsider my position, but sarcasm doesn't help your case. It just makes you look like that much more of a stupid American.