post your sexy pics here

Derick's tacos with sweet potato straws, mmm.

Do want! :D
god I hate California
.45 is a good stopper. but expensive as hell!!!
no, I just was wondering why you got one with the safety. dont they make all models without the safety?

It's supposed to be a great gun
This is California, they probably demanded it have one. Not like I'll ever use it.
It's not really them killing anyone.

Anyway, I'd offer a revision of that law.

No one can own a gun except Krig. He must own all the guns.

I think that'd be pretty sweet. Everyone in?
I wonder how may gun owners in the US actually are "law abiding citizens". And I wonder how many of those non-law abiding citizens are so because of gun related crime.
Never saw any use for handguns. Have no problem with rifles and shotguns, however.

The only use for a handgun is to kill someone or shoot at the range...that's it. There's no defense for it because if you're really worried about someone coming in your house at night and hurting you or your family, a 12 gauge has a whole lot more stopping power than a handgun. Even if you miss, the spray is gonna get them somewhere. Or you could just use buckshot and blow a hole right through their sternum...or take their head off.

Playing the Second Amendment card for a handgun just doesn't cut it anymore.
hahaa just found this one on my recovered phone. Definitely don't remember this one being taken, but hey... NO FATTIES :kickass:


edit: oops forgot NO FATTIES is inside joke