post your sexy pics here

Old Stormo:


New Stormo:


Any resemblance to a character from a recently-released Bioware game is purely coincidental.
awwww, no more long hair :(

(still hot though... damn. )
I know :( and thank you :)

Rockin' the shorter hair-do there, my man.
Thanks :)

I had to cut it, not by choice - did one of my most important exams for the Federal Police on Wednesday, and since it was a psychotechnical exam, I wanted to leave nothing to chance and avoid giving those psychologists the prejudices those people always get when they see long hair. Let's hope it was worth it...
I've also had a haircut. Kinda wish I still had my long hair though seeing as it's winter and my head feels cold :( Seems I still look about 12 regardless of my hair though.
Derick took the train with me today and we went on an adventure to find my classrooms and buy another of my textbooks. Then rode the train a little further to the swank mall, had lunch, and strolled. A pleasant day!

Do I look smarter already??

This picture is so bad it's good.

Train bum :p

Derick's tacos with sweet potato straws, mmm.



And since Derick bought my textbook today, he got his other Christmas present! Which consisted of these two shirts. I rule at finding and buying shirts.
1. I noticed it was on it in the first one, and decided retaking it was pointless.

2. Because the M&P9L is not CA legal.

3. Safety isn't on, if it looks that way. The nearest .45 bullet is 60 feet from the place the gun was photographed, in an 800lb safe. I wasn't concerned.

Emily: I have unbelievably large hands, that is a full size gun. Any bigger, I'd need a 1911, and 1911s cost more than I care to pay.
god I hate California
.45 is a good stopper. but expensive as hell!!!
no, I just was wondering why you got one with the safety. dont they make all models without the safety?

It's supposed to be a great gun