post your sexy pics here


so let's do it.
No boobage here, not this time. Bootsage, yes! Showing off the new bewts; I like them a lot :dopey:




Bought some polish for them. I haven't polished a pair of shoes since the ROTC days but I think I've still got teh skillz.

Oh and here's Albert in his new tank I got him for Christmas. I set him up in it the night before we left for Maryland. Pewr fish had to go 3 weeks without a water change but he did fine.

:oops: Ohh sexy! The boots are nice too. ;)
Awww fishie face
No boobage here, not this time. Bootsage, yes! Showing off the new bewts; I like them a lot :dopey:




Bought some polish for them. I haven't polished a pair of shoes since the ROTC days but I think I've still got teh skillz.

Oh and here's Albert in his new tank I got him for Christmas. I set him up in it the night before we left for Maryland. Pewr fish had to go 3 weeks without a water change but he did fine.


Cara those photos are absolutely wicked. I don't know how you did it, but your eyes actually had sex with me. I didn't even have a chance to buy them a drink.

edit: Oh yeah, there was a cool pair boots in those pictures too...
Cara those photos are absolutely wicked. I don't know how you did it, but your eyes actually had sex with me. I didn't even have a chance to buy them a drink.

edit: Oh yeah, there was a cool pair boots in those pictures too...

Did they now? Were they gentle with you or did they rape you all forceful-like?
Did they now? Were they gentle with you or did they rape you all forceful-like?

Hmm, besides the occasional laser burn on the ass cheeks I found afterwards, the constant ringing of Sodom songs in my ears, and the Himalayan snow in my shoes... No comment.
Oh yeah, there were cameras flashing all night long on New Years Eve. I forgot until someone tagged a bunch of pics of me on Facebook haha.

Looks like someone's tried the punch.

I had to make sure everyone knew where we were at. I think.

The blue moon was the highlight of the evening as far as we were concerned.

I'm glad none of these people snore.
hahaha you could be right!

Totally unrelated: Azal, I told my boss that Michael J Fox joke you posted on Facebook today and he got offended :lol:
Michael J. Fox walks into an ice cream parlor and asks the guy at the counter for an ice cream.

The counter guy asks"What flavor do you want?"

Michael J. Fox says "It doesn't matter....I'm just going to fucking drop it anyways."