post your sexy pics here

Un-fucking-real, the Kingdom video has made my night. SO so so so fucking awesome. This man is a God. This is one of my most favorite songs ever.

Thanks Cara!
He sounds about a million times better live now that he is sober. real talk.

I will travel anywhere on the continent of Europe to see him if they come over here.

Good week here too, DJ Food tonight and Vader/Marduk Saturday
Yep I just busted out Kingdom from the cd. It's 2am now and I gotta pass out so I can't listen to the rest, but it's fuckin ON tomorrow.
Un-fucking-real, the Kingdom video has made my night. SO so so so fucking awesome. This man is a God. This is one of my most favorite songs ever.

Thanks Cara!

You're welcome! It's one of my favorite Devy songs as well. I was really glad to see such a turnout for him. The place appeared mostly packed with emo-grunge kids (that's the best way I can describe it) there to see Between the Buried and Me, but he actually had a nice sized crowd! Hope he decides to come to Dallas more :kickass:
They stamped our hands with Will's Vincent Price/Hitler tattoo :loco:

Or maybe that's supposed to be Martin Luther King...







haha fuck you guys you're realllyyy making me want to go to that show now. He doesn't tour a lot I assume? I don't like any of the other bands on the bill but if this is a not often thing and it's really that great I might have to just go.
well damn I just checked the venue and they're sold out =/ oh well, saves me $20+ just for one band but hopefully I'll get to see him someday (I've seen SYL and it was awesome)
sorry to double post but I finally got some pics/video from our show with DRI at the house of blues, they came out pretty badass I think:


A couple of the crazy crowd:


Also if you want to see some actual footage our guitarist put together a compilation video of the footage that worked (security was bugging her about her camera so not a lot of good came out of it)
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