post your sexy pics here

Right before I won a game of pool and thus made the girl buy my next drink. I took the boards advice and got some tighter pants.

definitely the wrong topic to post this one in :lol:

was buzzing my head and, for no reason whatsoever, took my eyebrows off! plus, my face broke out like a mofo since I exercised the other day and just fell asleep without taking a shower. go me!

lol nice will. Now you just gotta shear that armpit hair and you'll be ready to compete in 4 x 100m relay :lol:
If you're on Facebook, you've probably noticed the current retro trend going on. I figured what the hell, lets bring it here.

Before my 1st birthday, circa 1980.

Becoming awesome. I think I was 15 or 16 in this one.
sorry to double post but I finally got some pics/video from our show with DRI at the house of blues, they came out pretty badass I think:


A couple of the crazy crowd:


Also if you want to see some actual footage our guitarist put together a compilation video of the footage that worked (security was bugging her about her camera so not a lot of good came out of it)

Great footage! You guys should come over here and teach these faggots how to mosh. Italy needs some good thrash bands because ours suck balls...unless you count Necrodeath...which I don't.

I fucking loooooooooooove Bay Area thrash. Great job.
Italy needs some good thrash bands because ours suck balls...unless you count Necrodeath...which I don't.

Well, there are Bulldozer who have at least a little entertainment and maximum kvlt factor.

But yeah... I think Italy's metal scene as a whole is pretty much... well... watered down crap?
Pretty much. The only really great band from Italy is Novembre. I hate Italian metal, but ironically Novembre is my favorite metal band in the world.

There is also Aborym, which is a pretty damn good black metal band. Other than those two...a big 'ole meh. Dog Eat Dog World is awesome, this song.

Some consider Graveworm a good band, and they ARE a good band...they're just not a great band; but they're from fucking Trentino or Brunico or Alto Adige or what the fuck ever, which is basically Austria. They don't even speak Italian. Everything here besides Novembre is just so....AVERAGE.

Italy is a country full of virtuosi who can't write music...just like Paganini and Vivaldi.
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