post your sexy pics here



edit: hi stoned?!
It's natural and it's funny you bring it up because it was just pointed out to me for the first time by someone about a month ago. It's not shaved, but the hair in that area seems to be blonde for some weird reason. Just that little patch is full of lighter colored hair and I have no idea why or how. I never even noticed it until this person pointed it out, but I can clearly see it now. It doesn't bother me at all and I actually kind of like it. It appears I've got a beardhole of my own :)

I'm gonna look through some old pics when I get home and see if it's always been that way. I would think I'd have noticed it long ago if it had been.
yeah mine does the same, comes in blonde in the middle below my lip, and for a while there my beard used to be half bright red and half brown, pretty strange.

haha yeah I have a friend whos beard is red on the neck and around there but his mustache is blonde, he can't grow a full beard yet but I bet it's going to be crazy weird when he can to see where everything goes
got some new promo pics for my band, I'm starting to get pretty big and hairy haha


I'm debating shaving my head in a couple months because I'm starting to go kinda bald (receeding hairline kinda) Should I? Liverslapper looks way better with a shaved head but I'm not sure how it'd suit me.