post your sexy pics here

finally got the art for my band's new ep fully done and I think it's going to be the sexiest thing on this page.


You can download it here if you want but I'm not sure how many of you are into thrash (and if you are this might not be tr00 thrash enough for you haha, we have elements of groove and melody this time around, blasphemy!)
I agree, the logo is my only nitpick also. It's shaped like a 3D "L" that fell over forward and is now laying on it's side, and the right half is transparent and the left half isn't.

Everything else though.... :kickass:
thanks for the feedback guys, yeah the logo was kinda weird to place since it couldn't cover up any art and wasn't as easy to place as our last cd but oh well. Glad to hear people think it's cool, I was pretty worried people were going to hate it haha
Yeah for sure. Did he really spit on somebody? I think I saw something about that on Facebook. What a coked out waste of life.

Yeah, andy saw him on telegraph when he was getting our ep in stores around there and nick said something to andy being a jerk so andy was like oh, cute necklace just poking fun at his SUPER HARDCORE THRASH image and nick spat on him to look tough in front of his friends.
Same pics I took back in the fall, but grim, winter style. I would prefer it if that area wasn't so overgrown, but we can't touch it. Even though it's basically the side of our front yard, it belongs to the railroad. So I'z be trespassin! :zombie:


Not only am I Tobey Maguire, but I'm also Robocop.