post your sexy pics here

Who said anything about hippies?

Hippies stay north up in the woods for the most part, unless Bob Weir or Dark Star Orchestra are playing in town. Other than that, there are a few in the Upper Haight (but they're being driven out by gentrification slowly but surely), and a few on 'hippie hill' (duh), but there really aren't too many burlap skirt wearin' dreadlock'd hippies in here.

Hipsters are far more numerous, especially in my neighborhood. As has been pointed out here a few times, I'm probably turning into one - damned by my proximity - but that's really not so bad a thing; the only threat they pose is a scoff at your 'shitty' taste in music. Otherwise, they're harmless, and probably know just as much about good food and art as you do, so they're not a total waste of time to talk to.

There are plenty of gays, but they leave their faggotry in the Castro. Outside the Castro, they're just regular folks, often times smarter and more self-confident than most people (coming out is a big deal, so if they've done it, they've got a sense of self that most straight fags don't).

SF isn't a city of hippies, hipsters, thrashers, fags, liburals, or any 'type' of person in general. It's a city where people don't judge other people for doing what they do, and thus are free to do or be anything they want. And added to that, it's fucking gorgeous. What's not to like?
Who said anything about hippies?

I did, as an added bonus to the crazies who hold signs and what the locals consider a part of its charm.


SF isn't a city of hippies, hipsters, thrashers, fags, liburals, or any 'type' of person in general. It's a city where people don't judge other people, and thus are free to do or be anything they want. And added to that, it's fucking gorgeous. What's not to like?

Is more accurate. It's one of the best cities in the world, Period.
The only thing that sucks about it is the weather.
Well, old hippies aren't really hippies anymore, nor are they anything to be concerned about. They've got stories, and they're cool.

It's the 'new' hippies that suck, the ones that are kind of a cross between a crust punk and an old dusty rug.
Well, old hippies aren't really hippies anymore, nor are they anything to be concerned about. They've got stories, and they're cool.

It's the 'new' hippies that suck, the ones that are kind of a cross between a crust punk and an old dusty rug.

Yep, this is what I'm talking about. I'll just have to come visit and see for myself.
SF isn't a city of hippies, hipsters, thrashers, fags, liburals, or any 'type' of person in general. It's a city where people don't judge other people for doing what they do, and thus are free to do or be anything they want. And added to that, it's fucking gorgeous. What's not to like?

Yeah man. You summed it up pretty good there. I love that town. Yeah, ive seen plenty of old hippies but yeah, like Brooks said, they are farther north. Really one of the best cities ever.
Wow...what disappointing reactions to a mere picture. I am sorry for you because your opinions seem reduced to the fact that you are all traumatized by the Twilight phenomenon( not that it's any of my business). People seem to have lost the will to be nice to others nowadays..And I came here bringing no offense. Simply a metal fan. Cheers.
P.S. I thought this was the last place you'd find people commenting on others' appearance.
This metal enough for ya? Ya man eaters. Sorry for smiling :worship:notworthy

You come here often??
into the arms of
Picture of Annalisa taken last weekend at one of her concerts. I thought it was really cool.
