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Devin Townsend did an amazing solo show, along with a Q&A and Signing last night.


We came in a little late, so I was the first person in line for Signing, oddly enough.



And to top it off, my new super sexy Nikon D90:

Interesting. Was that kind of an acoustic gig or more like a clinic?

A little bit of both. He played a ton of awesome stuff from way back, as well as some songs off of Addicted, Ki, Ziltoid, and a few new and up and coming songs. He went into detail about his gear, his sponsors, etc. We all bullshitted for a good hour. He went on into detail about Ziltoid 2, Deconstruction, and his future endeavors.

Was pretty awesome. Of course he does this for his home town. :headbang:
Still in the process of finding a suitable drummer. He's got 4-5 of them still in the pipes, one being Gene Hoglan. The story is finished. It stems from the song, "Infodump" off of Alien which is actually morse code, something to do with X2 + Y2 + Z2, which is going to be the main theme of Deconstruction. This also is foreshadowing for the new Ziltoid album, Z2.

Also, A Ziltoid Comic Book will be coming out, where he's stuck in his own head trying to discover the answers to the universe. AAAAAANNNNDDDDD He's doing a huge opening concert for Ziltoid, full production. Orchestras etc. Lots of cool stuff in the works.
If he picks anyone other than Gene, I will be very disappointed.

City and Alien were major parts of this past weekend's soundtrack.
I can't imagine Devin--or anyone for that matter--topping the paranoid bipolar existential terror freakout shitstorms all over those two records....
I'm gonna get a serious metalband together but there needs to be more musicians with mental disorders that sing about that stuff. Devin Townsend is like the only guy who writes about that stuff...not a huge SYL fan but the concept for the Ki, addicted, deconstruction, and whatever the next one is ghost?) seem to talk about the over analyzing, spiralling thoughts that never seem to end that often times end up with you getting real delusional, or hallucinating or hearing voices. I've experienced that to a degree and I could probably go on all day writing lyrics for that. Yeah...I like Devin Townsend cause' guys like him get up there and play.
Definitely was one of the best things I've seen in a long time. Sad I didn't bring my new camera, only my little point and shoot. Ended up getting my Jeep robbed while I was in there. My GPS was stolen, as well as my buddy's Camera with our pictures of the road trip we took to Seattle to see Dark Tranquility on Saturday. Bummer.

Anyways, was a great show, glad I got to meet him and finally tell him how influential and amazing his music is to his face.