post your sexy pics here

I used to camp like that all the time before I moved to the states...
With the entire house on top of my back, tent, mattresses, everything is ready to go, without lame care stops! I miss it so much.
This picture is awesome!! :kickass:

Kevin, your camping "group" pic is so cute on so many levels :) <3

Stephen: WACKENNNNN \m/
It ain't Wacken without the obligatory trash pics! :)
Glad you had a kickass time!
I bet that would completely change when put in the position of not having a choice. You would do it and you would make it and you'd be proud of yourself for it.

Denisa, that pic looks really awesome. Trail looks fun as hell! Kinda reminds me of the big washout I crossed on the Pyramid Peak trail. I actually have video of me crossing it that someone took. I'll post it if I remember tonight.
I used to camp like that all the time before I moved to the states...
With the entire house on top of my back, tent, mattresses, everything is ready to go, without lame care stops! I miss it so much.
ya know, us simple bumpkins over hur in amurica have heard of that thur 'back packin' too. i rekin youd ought be able to find some folks to go with, yessir.
I used to camp like that all the time before I moved to the states...
With the entire house on top of my back, tent, mattresses, everything is ready to go, without lame care stops! I miss it so much.
This picture is awesome!! :kickass:

Yeah and it feels especially comforting when you get to your destination and you're still in one piece! It was quite the experience for sure!

I would probably never go along a path like that, not out of fear, but because I just know I'm far too clumsy to be trusted to not get myself (and possibly some other people) killed.

I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into when the proposition was made. I went ' Destination: over 8000ft(2535m)? Sure! *derp*' And I assure you, I myself am quite the clumsy person as well!

I bet that would completely change when put in the position of not having a choice. You would do it and you would make it and you'd be proud of yourself for it.

ya know, us simple bumpkins over hur in amurica have heard of that thur 'back packin' too. i rekin youd ought be able to find some folks to go with, yessir.

hahaha silly neal :)
My friends go camping like that all the time here, but they always pick the worst weekends when I can never join them or when I have prior obligations, so turns out, I haven't been camping like that in YEARS.

Those friends who are regulars campers all have remote jobs when they can just leave on like... a Wednesday and come back on Saturday... I could never do that (when I was in collage, or had a job etc... )

One day :)
I know, but Stormo had to come in and get "real" and ruin all the fun!!

Come to Seattle. I'll show you camping like you never imagined possible!
That's Phil (Philly Cheesesteak as I call him). He's awesome. He got attacked by a cougar once and ended up kicking it's ass.