post your sexy pics here


*fluffs Marduk up*
Very sweet, Chris!
Marduk seems super nice and chillaxed, name is not very befitting :)

Haha yeah, he's pretty relaxed until you say the words, "Paludana" (which is the river/swimming hole we go to close by), "Nonna" (grandma...Annalisa's mom...because she always brings him treats), "walk", or "hungry?". Then he loses his mind with excitement. I've trained him, however, to sit, stay, heel, retrieve, shake, wave goodbye, etc., so his comportment is great. He's a lab, and just like all labs he's a little high strung sometimes.

He'll be 2 next month.
I'm gonna see if I can find some more of Banjo...he's the real character around the house. He's lazy and has absolutely no shame whatsoever. He eats with his paws...if you drop him a piece of food, he'll catch it with his paws and eat it. When the other kitties are eating, he'll slowly move his paw closer to snatch food. I've tried swatting him, putting him outside, nothing works...he's just one of those cats that you have to work around because he's not going to budge.


Look at those paws...not a single scratch or speck of dirt on them. Lazy bones.




Forgot about this one yesterday. Found a camera in the woods the other day...Canon IXUS860 IS...built-in photoshop.
