post your sexy pics here

The Queen of England first visit to Ireland stirred up a lot of political issues.
That is what people talked about there non-stop. There was a huge meeting of officials in the city hall to discuss if to let the Queen come or not. That meeting took place in the city hall, and in front of the pub we sat at having pints. Some of those radicals protesters came in the pub to take a break and have a pint (that's the way they demonstrate in Ireland) Immediately became my best friends of course, and before I know it, I was out there, with them, and being filmed to the Irish news and TV that night. Priceless!





Here we go...


Power to the Republic!


In da middle





hey kinda off topic but i wanted to thank you for posting on my bands, that's awesome that you like the EP! hearing that people actually listen to it in rotation with their regular band cds instead of just thinking "oh another local band of kids, who gives a fuck" is totally awesome. we're finishing up our debut album (10 tracks, hella heavy as far) so when it's done i'll definitely send you a copy or something!
I'd be well into that! I really dig that EP. I use it to work out to pretty frequently and I listen to it fairly often. I very much dig it!