post your sexy pics here

Hey Karen, what was it like being in the Sgt. Peppers photo shoots?

haha! One of my favorite albums! ;)

And Will, technically the coat is more similar to this one:


Yep, I have them all :D


You have a ridiculously awesome sense of style, it's nice to see people actually choosing cool and interesting things to wear instead of yoga pants and a t-shirt every day (nothing wrong with being casual every once in a while and i pretty much dress in black jeans and a tshirt every day but it's still really cool to see people doing something unique).

Thanks! <3
And I agree, I am the same way.. I love seeing people's sense of style and personality in their clothes.. I've always loved 'fashion' but I mostly like to mix items up and create my own 'style' you know?

Thank you again :)
"There is actually some debate over this topic in the scientific community. Some biologists maintain that big cats such as lions and tigers cannot purr, because they have adapted special physical traits in order to be able to roar which preclude purring ability. Others believe that the big cats can and do purr, although they may not purr exactly like household cats. Study of big cats in a variety of environments appears to bear out the second theory, that they do in fact purr for many of the same reasons that smaller cats do.

The exact mechanism of purring is not completely understood. It is believed that purring is accomplished with the use of the hyoid bone, a small flexible bone located in the neck. When the cat pushes air through its voicebox, it rattles the hyoid bone, creating the distinctive purr sound. Purring may also be caused by false vocal cords, located slightly behind the cat's actual vocal cords. The debate over how cats purr has greatly complicated the issue of whether or not big cats can purr.

Biologists who believe that big cats cannot purr generally support the hyoid bone theory. They argue that big cats have developed a slightly different hyoid bone, which is less flexible, and thus able to serve as the mechanism behind the roar. The sacrifice in flexibility, however, means that the hyoid could not be used to purr. However, other biologists believe that big cats actually can purr, although they can only purr when exhaling, rather than continuously, like a house cat or smaller cat breeds. This may be accomplished through limited vibration of the hyoid, or through the false vocal cords.

The purring noise made by big cats undoubtedly sounds different than the purr of smaller cats. It resembles a cough or a growl more than a purr, which may have led to confusion about whether or not big cats actually purr. Both lions and tigers purr when they are with a group, and use purring to communicate with kittens as well. Like the purr of a smaller cat, the purr of large cats may resonate at a frequency which promotes healing, explaining why cats purr when they are injured or distressed.

Well fuck, I'm just proving big cats can purr, but it might be different than the household cat purr ;)

and on that note:

From Da BETizzle yesterday, sporting my multi-tasking, double screen action:
