post your sexy pics here

hey stranger, where ya been? startin' revolutions in the middle east an such? secret ZOG missions and whatnot? you can tell me, i can keep secrets ;)

^ My secret for you, is that I am SOOOO rocking the suspenders look for work on Thursday AAANNNDD taking a pic! (going to see Helmey/Crowbar/St.Vitus tomorrow after work, so no suspenders,) but on Thursday?

Gonna rock 'em babies for BETizzle! (and for neal <3 )
You should go, neal!! Going to be a great show!
I leave work around 6:30 and will get to Jaxx only at about 8.. I'm sure I'll miss some of those boring opening bands.. Remind me how far are you from SF? With the horrific traffic on the bridge into the city, you might be 'fortunate' as well!
^ the show was amazing! St.Vitus were FANTASTIC!

neal, it was raining cats and dogs here today, no suspenders...but maybe tomorrow :loco:
(I know you must be asking yourself, 'what does rain has to do with wearing suspenders?' - well, it sure made sense in my head and with picking outfits lol)

neal, I want a pic of you with suspenders too!
....I took this pic today at work... I know it belongs in a different thread, but....

Nope, pretty sure that pic belongs in this thread.


You have a ridiculously awesome sense of style, it's nice to see people actually choosing cool and interesting things to wear instead of yoga pants and a t-shirt every day (nothing wrong with being casual every once in a while and i pretty much dress in black jeans and a tshirt every day but it's still really cool to see people doing something unique).