post your sexy pics here

That is fucking amazing!!! Your photos made my night, Brooks!!!

I noticed you guys were talking about knives...I'm a khukri fan myself


This looks just like my favorite one sitting approx 4 feet away. Amazing blades, difficult to break, full tang (3/4 inch thick @ base) multiple uses :)

Very nice!
I may have to get one of those Esee blades.
Check out Nutnfancy reviews of the Esee Junglas on youtube.
It's ALOT more than a machete

im not really sure what I'd get though.
3" 5" or 6" blade.
one of these days I'd like to have a nice 9-10" Survival blade.

Oh no, I'm familiar with the Junglas and what it's capable of, great blade. For a 9-10" blade survival knife, I'd go with the Junglas or the Becker BK-9 (one of which I own). The Junglas is great as you mentioned from the video, and the BK-9 is just a big mother fucking pry bar with an edge on it. I feel like I could chop down a forest with it.


14 1/2" of love. Amazing knife, but the factory supplied sheath kind of sucks, so you would probably want to buy an aftermarket sheath for it, or get one custom made. I'm in the process of getting one custom made right now, it's a drop leg platform, digital camo, two thigh attachments, belt loops, and an integrated loop attachment for an included Swedish Firesteel ferro rod. The sheath is costing more than the knife, but it will be worth it. As far as price differences, the Junglas usually can be bought from $150 to $175 (I haven't taken this plunge yet), and the Becker can be gotten for roughly $70-$80 on Amazon. I love my Becker and will probably wind up getting a Junglas somewhere down the line.
You could gut a fuckin Grizzly bear with that thing!

I'll take a pic of mine later, I've done some custom work to it. I took the black handle scales off of it and put some tan micarta scales on it, took some paint/epoxy stripper and removed the black rust resistant coating off of the blade (I keep it oiled enough to protect rust, so I don't need the coating), and soaked it in vinegar and some other cooking sauces and such for about 4 hours to put a natural patina on it (with a cool design to boot!) to help protect from rust. Just waiting on the materials to get here for a custom lanyard I'm going to make for it. My aim was to take a quality production knife and make it something custom and one of a kind that only I have.
Recent shenanigans:

From the Destruction tour


being humped by goats wearing a tiara!


Posing with the Spinal Tap 18" Stonehenge - little Overkill members on DD's bday cake in NYC


Wine Country, California


My hot bartender


My Arlington crew
