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Yesterday was San Francisco's 100th annual Bay to Breakers.

We're dorks, so we dressed as Monty Pyton & the Holy Grail.


Quotes were delivered with startling accuracy, though I shall spare you them here.

Me, as Arthur.

Yesterday was San Francisco's 100th annual Bay to Breakers.

We're dorks, so we dressed as Monty Pyton & the Holy Grail.


Quotes were delivered with startling accuracy, though I shall spare you them here.

Me, as Arthur.


what was your time? This year was my first year and oddly it was reallyyy impacting for me. Something about running across the entire city with all those people was just crazy and I didn't even know I could run that far (got roughly 1:20:00 but not fully sure because my corral started a bit later so I subtracted the starting late from my finishing time) yet my fitness from kickboxing/lifting other jobs/endorphins all worked together and made me pretty much run the entire time with only a few breaks to try and keep my sign/bib thing on haha. didn't dress up though, just shorts, tshirt, sweatshirt but ended up just wearing the sweatshirt and taking off the t-shirt, cool you dressed up though (there were so many ridiculously hot chicks in skanky outfits I could not believe it, talk about distracting as hell haha)