post your sexy pics here

dead_fetus said:
Neal, I want to hang out with you.

Can I call you "Neal, Neal, Banana Peel?"
yes and yes.
Dead_Lioness said:
Can I call him neal neal Banana peel as well?
Can I come to hang out with you boys?
I can hang out with the guys... yes, I drink beer, and I can chat about football.

I won't burp in public though. NEVER.
of course! 'neal neal banana peel' was the most clever rhyming insult the kids ever came up with....but yes! everyone come to cali. we'll smoke hash. it'll be awesome.
Tee said:

OK, carry on with the beer talk. or post a sexy picture. ;)

Yes ma'am.


oh and I also like to say that I love Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, Jupiter,
Leffe Triple, Duvel, Lucifer, and Hertog Jan.
good beers.
ct_thrash said:

of course i knew that we are ... but i just wanted u to get the right answere :D hehehe

that umbrella is nice hum??? that is true metal :p hahaha