post your sexy pics here


Me after a bad day on the slopes... I'll never understand how a snowboard can be my best friend and my enemy at the same time...

Oh yeah, the black blur behind me to the left, is my friend bangin' his head to "Narcosynthesis", that's the sexy part.

Like I said in another thread, I'm new here, hello all.
ok, im doing this really really aweful face here, but im singing out loud with some really cool funky-groove band that i like (wow! she likes other things than metal!)
everytime we went to one of their shows we just went CRAZY me and my friends, singing out loud and dancing... great fun.
this is a picture from one of those nights.... i have this ugly face here, but this is a belly for you Hearse. ;-)

oh. anything to prevent Justin (Black Winter Day) from posting his sweat picture here hahahah :lol:

Dead_Lioness said:
ok, im doing this really really aweful face here, but im singing out loud with some really cool funky-groove band that i like (wow! she likes other things than metal!)
everytime we went to one of their shows we just went CRAZY me and my friends, singing out loud and dancing... great fun.
this is a picture from one of those nights.... i have this ugly face here, but this is a belly for you Hearse. ;-)

oh. anything to prevent Justin (Black Winter Day) from posting his sweat picture here hahahah :lol:

Wow... thank you for making my day Karen! :loco:

Nothing stupid looking about you in that picture. :dopey: