post your sexy pics here

Haha aww. I don't know I don't wear the same band t-shirt to shows I go to, but I tend to wear the same outfit. I don't know why. It's comfy, and...I don't know. Haha so I hear ya on the being recognized more easily! Because then instead of someone saying "Oh yeah you're the girl who was wearing that ____ shirt!" It'll be "Oh hi!" ...or something. Yeah makes no sense sorry.

I think I've become "the girl in the short skirt and patched jacket" at shows around here.
I was bored. I am stressed out with my final papers and my children's book writing and illustrating for child psychology. Don't laugh I obtained this top from Hot Topic ::cringes:: I saw it...and I liked it, so I guess I don't care, but...yeah ::shame::. Anyway, I will now post a bunch of pictures and cause a blindness epidemic, haha. Also yes I am aware of my chapped lips, I had been wearing lipstick, and... that tends to dry lips out, so laugh away. Mwuaha.








I shall post the .jpeg 's of my children's book when it's done, it's ABOUT a unicorn, AND has a dragon! YES!
I was bored. I am stressed out with my final papers and my children's book writing and illustrating for child psychology. Don't laugh I obtained this top from Hot Topic ::cringes:: I saw it...and I liked it, so I guess I don't care, but...yeah ::shame::. Anyway, I will now post a bunch of pictures and cause a blindness epidemic, haha. Also yes I am aware of my chapped lips, I had been wearing lipstick, and... that tends to dry lips out, so laugh away. Mwuaha.








I shall post the .jpeg 's of my children's book when it's done, it's ABOUT a unicorn, AND has a dragon! YES!

Very pretty Jen:)
Nah, healthy hair is a good defining feature. It adds to beauty as much as a pair of nice boobs or full lips.