post your sexy pics here

Any party with "Nationalist" in its name worries me. It's archaic. A difference exists between a pride in ones national heritage and out right silliness. We're not better in this country than any other, yet we seem to think differently. The SNP have no real economic understanding of how Scotland in the Union works. I wouldn't swallow the propoganda spouted by Labours bitch, The Sun, and other various newspapers but we have no need for the type of party the SNP are in power. Devolution should work on a certain level, but we're not achieving that level and I'll be damned if I'll throw my hat in with some base and frankly annoying bunch of nationalists.

I have vitriol against democracy as political organisation anyways, and detest most of the parties, I just happen to dislike the SNP a great deal.

Woops, I meant to say separation between politicians and youth. I'm retarded.

The one thing I disagree with the SNP on more than anything is their opposal to nuclear power stations. Nuclear disarmament is good, though. I didn't suggest that we're "better than" other countries, more that I think we might do well on our own. If you think I've been brainwashed, that's fine. So you hate the SNP the most?

...You read The Sun? :lol:

Edit: Stormo, err...aye, you got me..
No. And I'm 17, you wannabe-ironic Belgian bagel.

Edit: I said that 'cos I really want a bagel. Sorry Stormo.
Woops, I meant to say separation between politicians and youth. I'm retarded.

The one thing I disagree with the SNP on more than anything is their opposal to nuclear power stations. Nuclear disarmament is good, though. I didn't suggest that we're "better than" other countries, more that I think we might do well on our own. If you think I've been brainwashed, that's fine. So you hate the SNP the most?

...You read The Sun? :lol:

Edit: Stormo, err...aye, you got me..

I read the headline as I picked up the Guardian, indeed. I usually pick up the Independent around election times too, because it's quite anti-Government at times.

Opposing Nuclear power stations is as easy as saying we don't know where to put the waste - that's all. I'm not necessarily against them, if we can suitably get rid of the waste. I do think the horrible amount of money wasted on updating our Trident defence system is complete nonsense though.

I dislike the SNP for a myriad of reasons. I openly have misgivings about democracy as a form of poltical organisation, and part of that reason is because most people are dumb. Quite simply - they don't know what's best for them and shouldn't be able to choose. That's not to say we need some sort of autocratic system, but only that the idea of democracy only works if everyone is capable of making informed and rational decision, which they're not, in my opinion.

The SNP present us with a unique example of that situation. They won such a large amount of votes on the strength of the "Braveheart" element. I.e. People voted for them out of a belief in nationalism (seperate from patriotism in that it doesn't always hold a true belief for what is genuinely best) and I think that's wrong.

Given how the current system works, the only real power in voting lies in making sure the best of a bad bunch gets/stay in power. Perhaps I'm a dreamer, but surely that's a horribly cynical way for people to be involved in the running of their state?
We don't even sell bagels here.

Someone get me one of those Fucked Up .gifs - preferably the 'Planet of the Apes' one.

I read the headline as I picked up the Guardian, indeed. I usually pick up the Independent around election times too, because it's quite anti-Government at times.

Opposing Nuclear power stations is as easy as saying we don't know where to put the waste - that's all. I'm not necessarily against them, if we can suitably get rid of the waste. I do think the horrible amount of money wasted on updating our Trident defence system is complete nonsense though.

I dislike the SNP for a myriad of reasons. I openly have misgivings about democracy as a form of poltical organisation, and part of that reason is because most people are dumb. Quite simply - they don't know what's best for them and shouldn't be able to choose. That's not to say we need some sort of autocratic system, but only that the idea of democracy only works if everyone is capable of making informed and rational decision, which they're not, in my opinion.

The SNP present us with a unique example of that situation. They won such a large amount of votes on the strength of the "Braveheart" element. I.e. People voted for them out of a belief in nationalism (seperate from patriotism in that it doesn't always hold a true belief for what is genuinely best) and I think that's wrong.

Given how the current system works, the only real power in voting lies in making sure the best of a bad bunch gets/stay in power. Perhaps I'm a dreamer, but surely that's a horribly cynical way for people to be involved in the running of their state?

What solution do you have in mind? A different party altogether? If not an autocratic state, then what do you think would work as a replacement for democratic decision-making?

Nuclear power stations will be paramount to our future power sources, whether people like it or not. Fact is, natural resources are limited, as everyone knows. Waste is an issue that would be dealt with accordingly, I reckon (even if space launch became a final resort).

Depressing to see the sheer number of spoilt ballot papers that have marred the poll results, isn't it? Oh...



(wait for it)...


And don't call me Shirley.
Just jokin' around cutie
Hey, Iz is there any good shows in your town on the 29th 30th or a few days after???
Let me know pleeeeease
I don't want to have to see the Village People again...They make my ass hurto_O