post your sexy pics here

digital camera's make my nose look a bit different..... anyways

Anyone who thinks I look like big bird must be a mongoloid or something, and it does not matter anyways because you're retarded. I don't know what else to think besides you're a retard.
i don't understand why people are making fun of the guy.

I honestly don't think his nose is abnormally "huge" my nose is pretty big, and that sucks as far as being a girl. But I personally think noses are cool, and most people in my family have... beaks to say the least. I think noses give a face a lot of character. I think he's getting a lot of shit because he continually posted those pictures with his face covered. For some reason, it annoyed me. And I am not usually annoyed by such... absolutely meaningless and unimportant and irrelevant things. He just took his "gag" a little too far... in my opinion at least. And has made some comments that I don't think people could pass up ;)
i don't understand why people are making fun of the guy.

Think it's mainly because he painted himself as being a wannabe-sleazy, frat boy moron with crass and tasteless comments - usually directed towards the lassies of the board - to match. Also, he kicked up such a fuss about posting his mug-shot, that it was bound to generate some hassle. Then he goes and tries to act defensive, dignified, sophisticated, and "holier than thou" to everyone who flamed him. Aside from that, some of the people who post here are fucking brutal. :lol:
I don't quite understand the issue with his nose, looks fine to me.
Yeah. I mean, people could just as easily go after my nose ::protects it::

I notice a lot of females have prominant noses and I like it, noses are sexy. It's just because I am a guy and people are dickheads. I have the same problems with the the hair thing.

anyways.... I don't give a fuck what people think anymore. I'm beyond that bullshit. feel free to fuck right off. you're worthless
hey shnoz, if you weren't so fucking disgustingly rude to the girls, as lad said, we wouldn't be forced to needlessly harp or on your shortcomings. namely that fucking branch planted in the center of your dimwit face.
I'm not even serious majority of the time and it's the internet. If this place was anymore retarded. You're all retards!!!

This forum section is laughable majority of the time anyways. Have fun being dipshits!