post your sexy pics here

A picture from memorial day weekend, you know before everything went to shit...


More to come, I'm just too lazy to resize the rest currently. They're cool fireworks.
I notice a lot of females have prominant noses and I like it, noses are sexy. It's just because I am a guy and people are dickheads. I have the same problems with the the hair thing.

anyways.... I don't give a fuck what people think anymore. I'm beyond that bullshit. feel free to fuck right off. you're worthless

Wow dude... just.... wow. You've got to be one of the most ridiculous hypocrites I've ever heard of. Or maybe it's all that fucking ass piss beer you're drinking that's making you so cool.

If you don't care what people think and you're "beyond" all of it, why did you make such a big deal out of it in the first place? Do you really need the attention this badly?

I'm not going to make fun of your nose because there's no reason for that, but this backpedaling shit is gay and you should shut up before people make even more fun of you.
thanks! but now I dyed it all in black because I was tired of the red. This beautiful color never stay a long time, unfortunately.

oh and sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother-language.


your eyebrows are so much prettier than mine!