post your sexy pics here

Hey Isabel, decided where you're going for school yet? If ya come up here, we gotta hang sometime.

EDIT: This has nothing to do with your tits, although they look as great as ever.

ha ha
looks like the cat is eating your upper lip
Me and my buddy made a trip to the Kwik-E-Mart here, but he wanted to get to the strippers faster, so I was only able to take a few shots.




I intend to go again soon and get more pictures.
I had some guy in the Kwik-E-Mart come up and ask me, "What the hell is goin' on here? This is still a 7-11, right?"

I told him 7-11 was bought out by Simpson's Kwik-E-Mart. The guy got pissed and stormed up to the manager who happened to convince him further that 7-11 was no more.

He stormed out.