post your sexy pics here

Well, I'm not in my skivvies... And the background had to be cut due to legal reasons.


alright. You killed it.

Get your ugly ass out.
Your place is awesome, I suggest never moving.
I don't want to move, but they're jacking rent up at the end of October and it's already hard enough to afford anyways.

Besides, I'm thinking about buying a place this time around. Screw this rent-paying shit.
Depends where you go and what the place is like. Mine is about 9 miles away from downtown and it's at $735 right now. My place is huge and awesome though. I've found some places downtown that are substaintially smaller than my current place, but only about $650.

For a totally lush pad downtown, you're looking at around $1200. For a simple place, probably $630 and up.