post your sexy pics here

I suppose one could say the Norse retired after the bridge incident, claiming they were "too old for this shit" and handed the operation over to the North French, who were still young and full of piss and vinegar. And wine and Cheese.
I don't use it as often as you think. There was a time before Wikipedia I got my knowledge from books and research, and I still do. Wikipedia is for quick and dirty, this is why colleges don't want you using it and it alone.
"Wikipedia... is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information."
Where I come from, we're frowned upon if we were to cite wikipedia as it's content can be willy nilly and far the from truth.

I believe some colleges consider it ok as LONG as you use it as a MINOR reference and starting point. Only an idiot would take it at face value for graded research.
Do you warn them beforehand? Specifically, if they use other references that are valid, I wonder what makes it less valid provided it says the same things they do? Or is it a personal bias?
Bringing this back to photos... Emmy just got a new bodice from the Renn Fest. I'm thinking this'll be replacing the Iced Earth shirt at concerts.


The lower picture will be reviewed by the Elder Council to see if it can be approved as a "bra shot." We'll get back to you soon.