post your sexy pics here

hah, Chris: I roast and grind my own espresso!
Although, the espresso shots that they do in Italy can come in many
varieties, I honestly think that Italy and France have the
best coffee culture in the world.

I miss good espresso in Italian coffee stops :(

about the add sugar: HELL NO

Haha, yeah but you gotta remember, Italians like everything sweet, so it's kind of a must here. Just give it some sweet n low and you'll be fine :).

I've found the espresso in the states to be hit or miss. Some are fuckin' raging and some taste like burned dirt. They just do it perfectly here, everywhere you go. I can't explain it. You can buy a coffee here anywhere and it will be good...I guess it's genetics.

The coffee here is really's meant to be a post-something beverage, and quick. If you can make a liscio, macchiato, or cappuccino well, you're in there Karen! Most of them forgo the cappuccini and just get espressi, but every now and then I can find a really, really good cappuccino bar.

Dammit, we need to hang out. We'd have all kinds of fun just drinking coffee and wine.
I want to drink coffee with you to, Dead Winter. I Could relate the moment you said "Tastes like burned dirt" I'll bet you have an endless supply of good coffee joints where you live. I don't really drink, so I'll pass on the wine, but dang I'd love to get high on a good Cappuccino!
My favorite kind of coffee

I totally agree! I am a coffe addict and drink any kind of coffee, but turkish coffee is the best by far... mmmmmmmmmm ...orgasmic
I want to drink coffee with you to, Dead Winter. I Could relate the moment you said "Tastes like burned dirt" I'll bet you have an endless supply of good coffee joints where you live. I don't really drink, so I'll pass on the wine, but dang I'd love to get high on a good Cappuccino!

Yeah, why not! Coffee joints don't really exist here per se, they just serve coffee everywhere :lol:. Even street vendors will serve the same coffee the restaurants do, only in small plastic cups, hehe.

Tell you what...we'll go have a pizza with some bruschetta rossa, and afterwards we'll have whatever type of coffee you'd like!
Some pics from my aunt's front yard tonight. For a little while I sat on a bench in the graveyard with my sleeves stuffed with paper, to make me look fake. I scared a couple of 12 year olds muwahaha. Little wigger kids got pwnt. Then they got angry and started yelling at me. Then they started yelling at the truly inanimate people in the graveyard too :lol:












in need of oxygen
DSC04062.jpg times
Looks like you guys did.

Heres me and my friend in costume.



Saturday was a fun night, tonight I have to write a paper and study for a biology exam, fuck halloween
nice hurrrah. chromatose and i did the jay & silent bob thing once. no one knew who i was supposed to be though :bah:

i could have done a lot better i guess :loco:

i thought i at least had the facial expression down though!
I pretty much slept through the last hour of candy time for the kids. I was too annoyed to stay awake.

Edit: Nice photos Cara. Forgot the check the last page for a few.