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I went on a field trip with some people to the local Coptic Orthodox Church today. We stuck out like a sore thumb. Oh well.




Don't know who these guys are. They were the windows behind the curtains though, so they must have been important.


Looks like some home-cooked artwork


Their various stained glass windows were extremely impressive, however. (Left: ??? Right: St. Athanasius)


god dammit, if I had of noticed that cord I would have taken that one again. The curtain was really impressive.


St. Mark


St. Simeon


Their icon at the door.

Interesting people there. Very, very, nice people also. Very kind and forgiving of our barging around foreigner ways. They had absurd amounts of incense burning all the time and they had a really bizarre yet awesome choir that used only cymbals and triangles. I would have taken a picture of that but it would have flashed them during the mass and I didn't want to be impolite.
when i saw her, i was polite enough not to stare at her buttocks (despite how many times i brought up the word: buttsecks).. but i can tell you that she is in ridiculously good shape. she works out.
Well, stare, but tell her you're going to first. It's only fair.

Oh no, my mind can't have any time to itself. Last time I let it run free Chris Benoit and his family ended up dead.