post your sexy pics here

I thought drummers were mascots. Van is the token black guy after all.

...I kid.

As much as I like drummer jokes, I believe drummers are actually backbones of any band. The percussion gives the rhythm and in the genre we listen to, it truly gives bands their brutality. For example, I'm listening to Amon Amarth - Valhall Awaits Me right now and the drums really fill in the brutality of this song. The double-bass, the fills, the timing of the snare.........drums really amaze me. Especially when it comes to drummers in this genre like Hellhammer, Inferno or Gojira's drummer (I don't remember his name!) who do a lot of fills and add more OOMPH to the music. It's compelling, really.

Bass players on the other hand........who needs bass?! I can utilize the octave changer on my effects processor to create that effect.

Though, my favorite drummer joke:
What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless.

That's a kneeslapper!
I like the bassists that give a good bassline but use a unique rhythm at the same time, like DiGiorgio in Silence calls the Storm.
Have fun trying to headbang to metal with no bass. That Amon Amarth song you're loving so much right now would sound like pussy shit without it.

Sephiroth, I like you man... but I think anyone that says bass is useless (especially in metal) is musically ignorant. It's just a foolish, ignorant, moronic and wrong thing to say.

p.s. thanks for setting me up like this. 'ppreciate it.
I think what he's saying is that in a lot of metal bands the bass is used to provide the most basic rhythm or just mimics what the guitars are doing. It's definitely true, and the world needs more good bassists!
I think what he's saying is that in a lot of metal bands the bass is used to provide the most basic rhythm or just mimics what the guitars are doing. It's definitely true, and the world needs more good bassists!
Yeah but even still, it's better with it there.