post your sexy pics here

So, unrequited love and lost friend. You're thinking with your clitoris woman, I don't see that as a release for the better. :)

Edit: Yes, that works I guess.
my sexy wall decorations, my sexy books and my bebes and their winter hats (crocheted by my room mate)


That is just way too cute, oh my!
Nah. Nick and I broke up a little over a month ago. Sorry to tell you all it had nothing to do about sex. Over 3.5 years together, we've evolved into different people. We're still really good friends, hang out a lot and everything. We just didn't work well as boyfriend/girlfriend, any more.

In short, I'm back on the market. And Dave's always been that guy that people thought I'd end up with. And when I look at my standards, what I want from a guy, he comes pretty darn close.
Nah. Nick and I broke up a little over a month ago. Sorry to tell you all it had nothing to do about sex. Over 3.5 years together, we've evolved into different people. We're still really good friends, hang out a lot and everything. We just didn't work well as boyfriend/girlfriend, any more.

In short, I'm back on the market. And Dave's always been that guy that people thought I'd end up with. And when I look at my standards, what I want from a guy, he comes pretty darn close.
geez, i don't remember hearing anything about that. sucks, em. but yeah ... as far as your dave bud goes ... *looks for some Captain Obvious picture* ... yeah