post your sexy pics here

Farmers Branch has wi fi but supposedly you have to pay for it ...but I connected to it with no problem and no sign up page. So YAY.

Sleep will not come tonight, Blitz is pacing and whining. The kitties like it here, Ramses very much enjoyed his ride in the fluffy carrier. :oops:


Aww Ramses. The carrier probably smelled like Emily :p

Poor Blitz. And poor you. No sleep...ever...AGAIN!
She shall get sleep when she dies and enters ultrasard. Or just slumps over from sheer exhaustion in the middle of taking a crap. THAT would be embarassing to be walked in on. *FRRRRTTTT*zzzzzzzzz-door opens after silence for half hour-zzz"WHAAA!"*FRRRTSPLOOSH*
I've had 5 hours of sleep since Sunday morning. Tomorrow I have to go to the police department, then have two doctor appointments. Perhaps I should ask for the biggest friggin bottle of whatever sleeping pills make you hallucinate. I shall take them and come post about the screaming hot dogs that won't stop braiding my hair.
I'm telling you, have a beer, it should sedate you. But if you DO have these hallucinations, surely you should post them as you said.
I know all about smells scaring people (and dogs) off. I know a rat terrier that would cower during ANY fart after sticking her nose to my ass when I had a massive enchilada a few hours before. Your poor dog can't hide under furniture after a colon solo though.